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ESQAT-CHINA: Embedded Software Quality Assurance and Testing Training in China

ESQAT-CHINA is an Asia-Invest II Project Asia invest II Logo


ESQAT-CHINA is an Asia-Invest II Project focused on Capacity Building for Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that develop or are beginning to develop embedded software. Specifically, ESQAT-CHINA is an Embedded Software Quality Assurance (QA) & Testing Knowledge Transfer Project, providing 20 SMEs in the Beijing area with a combination of:

  1. tailored 1-on-1 consultancy and technical assistance services, and
  2. theoretical and practical training courses and seminars to fit their needs.

ESQAT-CHINA is funded by the Delegation of the European Commission to China and Mongolia and fully complements the broader objectives of the Asia-Invest II Programme – to promote Euro-Asian business cooperation, with a particular emphasis on aiding European and Asian SMEs in their internationalisation process, thus increasing their opportunities for mutual trade and investment. In this vein, our project is engaging in the transfer of knowledge on embedded software QA and testing practices, processes, methods and tools from Europe to China, as an initial step towards:

The ESQAT-CHINA project consortium comprises:

  1. Innovalia Association(Project Coordinator) – a Spanish IT/ICT and Manufacturing Research and Development Centre and provider of Embedded Software QA & Testing Training and Consultancy Services.

  2. Beijing Software Industry Association (BSIA) – the project’s local coordinator and SME interlocutor in China, and main organiser of project events and logistics in Beijing.

  3. Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG) of the Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) – embedded software expert, technical advisor to the project and co-organiser of a 2-day seminar in Beijing.